fredag 11 maj 2012

The Bookworm is BACK!

I LOVE BOOKS, I proudly name myself bibliophile number one--but lately there's been somewhat of a draught in my reading. I read this amazing book, The Last Good Man by Danish writer A J Kazinski, pseudonym for Anders Rønnow Klarlund & Jacob Weinreich, and ever since I've found it difficult to get into anything new. But then I saw The Hunger Games a while back and I decided to buy the books, which I did in London and I'm HOOKED!!! I love Katniss, Peeta & Haymitch and yesterday I dove into the third part. Dreading the end of an amazing suite, but so glad I've read it. If you haven't--run to your nearest bookstore and get it!

I'm not short of new books to sink my teeth into, and yesterday my beloved Anders added to the list: No Angel by Jay Dobyns. It's the real story of federal agent Jay Dobyns, who sort of sold his soul to the devil and decided to infiltrate Hell's Angels. He lived with them for two years and this is his story. Exciting!

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