måndag 12 mars 2012

A Good Start!

Today is the first day of my 4 week long challenge! I've been very nervous and a little anxious to get started and so afraid I'll let myself down again... But today the feeling is really good, both in mind and body and that helps a great deal!
I was really tired when the alarm went off this morning and I really just wanted to sleep, after working 36 hours this week-end. Anders thought I should, but I was stubborn enough to follow through on my plan: to get up with him, have my morning cup of tea and then an hours walk before breakfast. Said and done and I completed the walk with a good spring in my step, even though my left calf cramped last night and still strains pretty good. Wonderful weather, spring is really coming to town and the dogs were happy and pushing my to go faster... =)

So here I sit, just out of a refreshing shower, preparing a yummy breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 red grapefruit and another cup of white pomegranate tea! Works on my days off, won't work on workdays... Have to figure something out there...

Weighed myself this morning, lost half a kilo in the last week and though it's not much--it's still something and I haven't even tried that very hard! Last night we ate tacos and I LOVE tacos so I had three and then we had some goodbye-see-ya-in-four-weeks ice-cream, that my wonderful man had bought thinking it might not be okay in the coming weeks... <3

So here we go: 4 weeks and I will do this as very good as I can and I do hope for good support along the way! Tonight we're going swimming for the first time in 1,5 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it!

My new goal for this challenge is a two digit weight... Cheer me on, won't ya? =)

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