söndag 18 mars 2012

Summary Week 1

So, the first week of my challenge is coming to and end, weigh-in tomorrow--hopefully I've done something right...

Here's this weeks total summary when it comes to training:

PW's: 30,9 kilometers           5 hours & 3 mins

Swimming: 2, 75 kilometers   1 hour & 55 mins

I'm pretty pleased with that and I will do bad things to my scales tomorrow if they don't show a decent result... I'm afraid Anders might wake up early in that case... =/
But going in to the 2:nd week of my challenge, I am determined to put in a total of 3 kilometers of running and at least 3 home work-outs, even though this is my tough week with 60 hours at work... It'll all be worth it in London I hope...

What does your week hold?

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