torsdag 2 februari 2012

Sad Thursday, But Gearing Up for Fantastic Week-End!

We lost! So sad, when Anders was there and everything. But Djurgården didn't play well at all and the score speaks for itself, 1-4 is NOT okay. They didn't even try and only the players can change the game.
And to think I got up at 4:40 this morning to get in earlier to work so I could leave in time to se the game... =(
Still love you guys!

But tomorrow I'll sleep until noon and do nothing all day! Until Anders quits work and we're going to the movies with dad, very nice! Saturday we've got no plans (lovely!) and on Sunday we're to leave the dogs at Hundens Hus for trimming and some quality time in Old Town, SF Bookshop and some cozy coffeehouse, just being together.

I'll write better tomorrow, too tired to even think right now...

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