lördag 12 maj 2012


I'm so sick of not getting anywhere, especially since the only one to blame is myself!!! Gaaah!!!

I've finally gotten the right shoes in the right size and today I got a runner's set from Craft:

Very nice, and even nicer: the Large was too big so I got to buy a Medium! =)

Very strange, feels like I'm not wearing anything, but nice to run in!

Then we got home and I had decided I was done with the stupid intervals and ready for the entire kilometer... I was wrong... After 700 meters I got side stitch, that passed quickly, but still... Not a good feeling. Ended with good, strong legs and the timer stopped at 7:03 mins. It's a decent time for me, not the best I've done, but considering how poor my training has been of late, it's okay. 
I'm very happy about the shoes!!! My Nike Lunarglide +3 really did their job, for the first time my tibias didn't hurt on impact! A lovely feeling! But I know that I need to get better at warming up, stretching and taking care after training as well--today I just go out, walk 5 mins and start, then when I'm done I go inside and hit the shower... 

But now I realize that Anders has been right all along, I can't hurry this or force results. I need to give myself a better chance! I need to put my heart into planning AND following through, building a good habit and lifestyle with the help of people around me who know this better than I do. Making a perfect schedule for a horse or a dog -- no problems! But when it comes to myself, I'm totally clueless! And I need to let go of the pride in this case and benefit from their knowledge. I'm so glad that I have my colleague and friend Thomas to turn to! He runs like a madman, all the time, everywhere, for hours on end! A true inspiration and such a great mentor, never making me feel stupid or ignorant. Thanx!!!

I'm working on a plan and I'll give it to you tomorrow.

We went shopping for a calendar for our wedding, had to settle for a blank one and note dates myself, it's very beautiful though! I also got a training calendar and I hope it's gonna help me follow through better...

Today we planned a good long walk with the dogs, but the pouring rain stopped us and we ended up training instead. So much fun! I forget that sometimes and I coached Anders with both Yoggi & Harry. That is really my place in life, I was born to teach. I feel at ease and sometimes I'm worried about not finding the words when I stand in front of my pupils, but they never fail me! I wish it was easier making it a living, as I did with the horses. I long back to that, what an amazing job! I'm fortunate to have had it.

This evening we've enjoyed lobster, crab and a bottle of white wine in front of Sweden-Italy in hockey, lovely evening!

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