tisdag 10 januari 2012

Bad, Bad, Bad Idea!

This low-sugar thing has felt like the most stupid idea I've ever had, all day long! My head is aching so badly-I just want to find me an axe and chop it off, sure that it would hurt less... It feels like a million of little hammers pounding on all sides of it, from the inside that is...
Not all because of the low sugar though. The air in our office is HORRIBLE! I've never had problems with headaches before I started working there.
So the two of them combined made for a whining, bitching, sour kind of me--not very nice for my colleagues or my dear boyfriend. Who by the way has been kind enough to put up with me for 3 months today!!! A small miracle if you ask me!
And now this...
But I've been really good all day! No soda, no sweets, nothing "bad" at all! I did eat: yoghurt, some sour-milk and muesli, 4 carrots, 2 avocados, 1 orange and 1 nectarine. And my lunch of course! It was some of the left-overs since our Saturday-dinner: casseler and jasmine-rice, very good!!! When I got home I made porridge, which is one of my favorites, especially around Christmas.

Now I'm gonna hit the sack and hope to wake up with a "happier head" tomorrow...

Night y'all!

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