onsdag 11 januari 2012

Day 3 Coming to an End...

Today I've felt a lot better, left that horrid head ache in dreamland and woke up feeling like a normal person and not the Gollum I was yesterday...
So I started the day the best way I know how: tea and the morning paper (DN). I'm not much for breakfast, even though I know it's like the most important meal all day... I used to be all about big breakfasts when I was younger, I always had porridge before school or something like that. But since I've started working that has changed. I need loads of time if I'm gonna have breakfast, so I usually only have it on my days off. If I have to get going in the morning I only end up feeling sick if I've eaten, so I just don't. Tomorrow's another day off and I've got a grapefruit waiting for me, sweet! I love grapefruits!
I don't think I've ever had so much tea in my life though, and I do love it, but it's getting boring... I have to invest in more kinds of it... But I have to learn to drink water... Maybe if I put lime or something in it...

Took a long, relaxing walk with the dogs as well, realizing how badly I need to come up with an exercise-plan... I hate going to the gym, all the perfectly fit people there, just mocking me by their mere presence it seems... Some of them don't even seem to get sweaty, then what's the point??? If I've worked out--I want everyone I meet to know that!!! It's the receipt for a job well done, don't you think? So, never mind those show-offs at the gym, they can keep it to them selves. I'll get my ass in shape at home, not needing to hide from evil stares or snide comments behind my back. It doesn't even really matter that they're probably just doing it in my head--it's still just as real. I'll tell you why when I've got a little more time, but it all goes way back and as it will without a doubt get me crying, I'll wait.

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag vet bra pass du kan köra hemma! Investera i en crosstrainer eller cykel om du vill eller ett par hantlar annars finns det bra övningar utan dessa saker!
