söndag 29 januari 2012

Sweet Sunday Morning...

I can never seem to sleep late anymore! It bugs me, I used to love sleeping until noon on my days off, now I wake up as soon as the faintest daylight slips in behind the curtains!
Had a very good day at work yesterday, considering the long hours I'm lucky to have such amazing colleagues! They are hilarious and since there are only four of us during the week-ends, we get pretty tight. Anders came and met me at the end of the day and we rented a movie on the way home, made some pizza and ate in from of The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love that movie! I think it gives you (well, me at least) the same feeling as I Am Legend. Both of them really made me think about how we treat, or rather: mistreat, the world around us like there's no tomorrow. But then again, I am extremely sensitive and can cry to almost any movie, especially one with animals in it! =) I mean: don't even get me started on The Lion King or Bolt... =)

Now I'm up reading the newspaper, having what feels like my 200:th cup of tea this week and Anders is probably sound asleep, as are the dogs... Reading an article about Deep Springs College, some sort of elitist school in the desert between Nevada and California, evidently they have just accepted their first Swedish student...
Around noon we're heading down to Kalmar, to clear out Anders' apartment and bring all of his stuff here. So tomorrow it's for real: he's here for good. Amazing feeling!

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