tisdag 17 januari 2012


What a stupid day! Was up waaaay too late last night (went to bed 4:30...) and got up around lunch-time.

I've had some problems with my bank since I moved to Stockholm and lately I've gotten really fed up with them and decided to switch to another bank, but there is a lot to go through before that and today I started looking at my car insurance, which is quite expensive. I pay somewhere around 11 000 SEK (£1032/$1645) per year for my insurance and I land at a monthly fee around 1200 SEK. Today I checked another insurance company, Volvia, since I have a Volvo... There I would pay 5 900:- SEK(£553/$882) per year instead!!! Some difference! Almost half the price! I thought that I must have gotten it wrong, so I called Volvia up and asked one of their salesmen and he had the cutest answer:
-Don't take this the wrong way: but you're not that young anymore! When it comes to insurances I mean, nothing else! If you had been 18 I would understand why they'd charge you that much, but not now...
So I called my bank/insurance company up and asked them why there was such a huge difference... They couldn't answer that they said... Good one! I got a little (...) angry and all of a sudden they would look into it ASAP... Someone would call me back with new numbers in 48 hours. I'm still mad as hell! And I don't like having to get angry to get right! It sucks!
The really stupid thing is that I don't get to switch until October anyways, because you can only change your insurance once a year and I signed mine last October...
I've been so angry, I've just gone around shaking all day! Not very nice a feeling, but it's all their fault. Hoping for some really good news tomorrow...

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