onsdag 11 april 2012

I Hope We Will Follow...

No, the urge to go out on an evening jog/walk disappeared somewhere between work and the apartment and was replaced by nausea and freezing... Much nicer, don't you think? Well, as long as I go out tomorrow and on Saturday, I haven't messed up my schedule and that's what's important. So instead we'll make tea and watch an episode of The X-Files, then making it an early night I think.

In today's Metro (Swedish edition) there is a great column by Hillevi Wahl, following the debacle about the emaciated mannequin at Gina Tricot, and you can read it here!
I was so glad to read that Israel will lead the way to a healthier and brighter future for all of us, no matter what we may look like, by being the first country in the world to ban the usage of models with a BMI below 18,5. The ban means that magazines aren't allowed to use models that skinny and neither are they welcome on the runway, of course this has caused an uproar amongst the models themselves! They claim that many of them are that skinny by nature and can't help it and though it may very well be so and there's nothing wrong with that--only 5 % of the population belong to that group and Israel have chosen to legislate for the greater part of their population in this case.
This is one step, and as small as it may be, it gives me hope. Hope that we can start to make something good, to turn a bad trend around and open up for new possibilities. I hope we'll find ourselves in a world where the majority of women (and men of course) can feel good about themselves, a world were fashion-designers make clothes that actually fit normal people and a more forgiving and accepting world.
As Hillevi says--we are often praised for our beautiful women in Sweden and I agree fully, I just wish that they all could see it themselves.

It is often said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and though that may be true--it would be much better if it didn't. If we all were able to feel beautiful regardless of what others think or say, maybe a foolish hope? But a fool's hope is still better than no hope at all, don't you think?

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