onsdag 4 april 2012

Trying New Things...

Well, I know since long ago that I hate training if it takes too much time and/or effort to get there. Once there, I love it, but if I have to take the car or tube or whatever to get there--I'm likely to invent whatever reason not to go...
So, the best training is the one that gets done, right? Therefor jogging/running would be perfect for me! Just one teeny tiny problem: I hate it. Well, I used to hate it and then I loved it and now I kind of hate it again... But that's just because I've gotten really comfortable here in my comfort-zone since I met Anders. Sorry love, but you really messed up my training... =) Time to change all that now and I've been through many ideas over the past few weeks as to HOW to get me back in to it. Last year, I decided to start running and since I need to compete and never do anything without a tough goal, I set the goal to run The New York Mini 10 K for women... The plan was to run 1 K three times a week the first month and then add 1 K each month. That went really well, until November and 3 K--when I met Anders. Lost focus, lost the will to try and lost track of everything not related to Anders... It's sweet to be in love, but my, it makes you stupid! =)
Since then I haven't really even tried running. But, now's the time to change that and first I thought about doing it the same way again, but I changed my mind. See, where I used to live, we had great tracks on soft ground that felt good under my feet. Where I live now I don't. I can only run on asphalt here and that is not at all as nice... Since I'm so heavy I'm also a little worried about my knees and legs on this hard surface. So, I plan to invest in some really good shoes and also: take it slowly. I know myself--I push too hard and then give up when it get's too tough. Not this time. For 2 weeks (starting Monday) I will do intervals (jog 1 mins/walk 2 mins) at least 3 K's 3-4 times/week and then do 1*1 for 2 weeks and see the results on that.
I tried it today on my regular 6,5 K walk with the dogs, the last 3 K's I jogged 1 minute and walked 2 minutes all the way. Felt really good--but I need to constantly think about my posture, opening up and straightening up to breathe easier and better and to help my body as much as possible.
I'll get back to you on the progress... =)

My goals are these: manage 2 K's in 10 minutes by week 25 and I've also decided to sign up for ToppLoppet here in Stockholm on September 22:nd! It's a 5 or 10 K run in Hagaparken and it'll be my first competion ever...

If you haven't read ToppHälsa, give it a try, best ever in my opinion!

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