söndag 15 april 2012

It's In Our Nature...

For breakfast today, we headed towards Marble Arch and Prêt à Manger, which a colleague of mine had recommended, and we bought: tea, orangejuice, sandwiches, a bowl of fruit and croissants--YUMMY! We then ate it in Hyde Park and I don't know why, but to me food always tastes better outdoors...


After that we took a nice walk (and another cup of tea) through Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens to get to our goal: Museum of Natural History! The funny thing is that right now they have a special exhibition called "Animals Inside Out", which is the "sequel" to "Body World" that Anders went to in Berlin last summer. It's about plastination, which is an advanced method of draining a body of all fluids and filling it up with a sort of silicone to show veins, arteries, muscles and everything else inside our body. It was a little freaky, but also extremely interesting! Though I really feel that the human exhibition had not been for me... Unfortunately,  photographing was prohibited, but we bought the book, so you'll get to see some of it...

The Book about the exhibition...

This is what the horse's head looks like when you fill up all it's veins with red silicone...

The elephant took 3 years to plastinate!!!

I'll tell you more about the man behind this, Gunther von Hagens, another day. Until then, you can read more about plastination at their website Body World of Animals.

We also saw lots of other animals and dinosaurs and I think it's a truly amazing place, luckily for me--Anders felt the same way! He even took longer in some of the stands than I did, a new experience... =)

Me, outside the museum of museums!

Anders! <3

Us outside Royal Albert Hall... <3

Mr. T...

After that, we went back to the hotel for an hours rest, then headed in to Oxford Street and ate Indian at  The Curry Leaf, which you can read more about in tomorrow's P & P's Gastroguide (too tired to write about the food right now).
We ended our evening with tea and a long walk through Hyde Park, a place I'm madly in love with!

Now some sleep, before another amazing breakfast in Hyde Park and a day at... London Zoo!!!


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