onsdag 14 mars 2012

Bring It On Day Three!

On my way to work , Katey Sagal's "Ruby Tuesday" making it even more beautiful! I've no idea what I'll have for breakfast, threw in a bit of everything in my bag! I just wish the evenings could be as light as the mornings soon...

Today I've only got work until 1:00, then I gotta hurry home to the dogs, since dad is ill I don't want him to have to tend to them.
So today I'll get my one hour PW, hopefully in the sun, since I fell asleep yesterday... =\
We tried one of Paolo's programs yesterday, it was difficult in such a small space and some of the exercises didn't really work out for us... So before bed I looked through all the exercises and put together a set that I believe will work for us, we'll just have to try it to see if I'm right... And as soon as it is possible, bring our training outside so we get enough space.
Tonight we're going swimming, aiming at 1 K in 30 minutes...

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