lördag 31 mars 2012


This past Thursday after work, we hurried home, Anders ran over to Dad's to pick up the dogs while I ran to the garage to collect the car, met up at home, fed the dogs and switched clothes, then ran down the stairs and drove to the cinema, arrived in 12 minutes before the movie started. Plenty of time to get popcorns and candy.

We saw The Hunger Games and though I doubt that anyone has been able to miss out on what it's all about, here's a short description: it plays out in a post-apocalyptic America, which after a rebellion has been divided into 13 districts, 12 of them slaves to the 13:th. The 13:th district is The Capitol and it's another world, a world of plenty and decadence--a total contrast to the poverty and hardship of the other 12 districts. Each year, the 12 slave-districts must choose a boy and a girl between 12-18 years to send to the Capitol to compete in "The Hunger Games", a cruel reality-show where the children fight until death. Katniss' younger sister is elected and Katniss throws her self in the arms of the guards and thus takes her place in the game, as the first "volunteer" ever...

It is indeed a dark and somewhat cynical movie, but not all together unbelievable. We've all read or heard about Kony and the child-soldiers in Africa this past month and many of us are aware of a much tougher and colder society. Realizing that children are forced to kill and are at all able to do so is extremely difficult for me, I have lived a quite sheltered life in that aspect.
It is also true that the rifts between different people in society are growing at an alarming and rapid pace, in many ways. We need to decide what kind of world we want to see in the future, what kind of world we want to send our future generations in to-as I have talked about before. There is no other way than to beg parents all over the world to teach their children compassion and kindness.

It has a few things that I liked a little less, but all in all: a very good movie!!!

I am glad to make the acquaintance of another splendid role-model for girls around our globe: Katniss Everdeen. What a babe! Hot as fire, but most of all: kind, smart, compassionate, clever, able and a survivor. Next to Hermione in Harry Potter, Katniss is my absolute favorite!

I went to the store to get the books, but they didn't have all three and since I want them all in the same edition, it'll have to wait until London...

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