onsdag 21 mars 2012


When I finally got the stupid scales to work, they showed the same weight as last week!!! How is it possible??? I've exercised a lot and been really good with the food... I feel really down right now and it feels pointless to try so hard when there are no results. Talked to my wonderful colleague P-Å today, he's a certified PT and he told me to be patient, see all these 4 weeks through before I start to despair. It might take my body a little while to adjust and until then I won't see anything on the scales. I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work! =(

Despite the blue mood today I went out on my usual 6,2 K PW with the dogs today, need to try as hard as I can this week. I worked 5 hours extra today, bringing this week's total to 65 hours... =/ It's really hard to find the energy to work-out these weeks, no matter what you guys might think. I'd love to have a normal job, working 8-17 Monday-Friday. Or a more physical job, where I'd get my training at work! Like when I worked with horses--I didn't need a gym or long stupid PWs, I was totally fit anyways!

Well, I'll have to try to keep myself going at least and give it these 4 weeks. If I haven't lost any weight then--maybe I'd better go see the doctor...

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