tisdag 6 mars 2012

Enough Already!!!

Sick -- again!!! Am I making stuff up or wasn't I just sick? Now I'm out in another nasty cold and I absolutely HATE it! I'm not made for being sick. And especially not when I had worked up such a good feeling about changing things, which is necessary when you're me...

So, body--you brought this on yourself! Payback is a'coming and it won't be the least bit fun, but the blame is all on you.

In April we're going to London and doing some really great things and I need to work for it, to deserve it. So, I made a schedule for my work-out and if I don't follow it through, I won't get my reward. Since I am both lazy and competitive, this should work... =)
My own little challenge, that I hope to really turn up as time goes, is this to start with: a minimum of carbs (no potatoes, bread, rice, pasta) and no sweets, cookies, sodas or snacks. There are great alternatives and I need to learn to pick them instead!

Then there's the part with exercise, my weeks will look as follows to start with (this is the minimum amount!):
Mondays: Swimming, 1 kilometer + home work-out
Tuesdays: Running, 1 kilometer
Wednesdays: Swimming, 1 kilometer + home work-out
Thursdays: Running, 1 kilometer
Fridays: Swimming, 1 kilometer + home work-out
Saturdays: Running, 1 kilometer
Sundays: free

I must throw out a huge THANK YOU to two very special people: Johanna --thanx for the inspiration, you're awesome! And Johan: I may think you're a pain sometimes, but somehow you know that's exactly what I need... =)

The goal is to loose at least 1 kilo every week, but most of all: follow through! The results will come, if not now, then later on. But only if I follow through!!! I must be harder on myself and I will give it these 4/5 weeks and my reward will make it all worth it, so will the results. I will take pictures of how I look today and then after these 4 weeks and throw them up here... Maybe, if I dare, I should say... =)

I really want to make this happen, I want to be able to walk tall and proud next to Anders and let me tell you: I made a fantastic catch there!!! He's soooo out of my league, luckily for me: he doesn't know how great he looks! Hopefully I'll level with him before he notices... =) All jokes aside, I need to feel a lot better about myself and soon.

The reward will be revealed AFTER London--so stay tuned!

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